The Self Advocacy Association is looking for a logo for the 2017 Statewide Conference. Flyer here.
This conference draws nearly 850 people with developmental disabilities and their supporters from across the state, who come together to inspire each other, learn, and advocate on a statewide level. The theme this year has to do with including self advocates at every level of policymaking and decision making!
We are looking for an image/logo that would reflect part of our conference theme:
“Our Voices Count, Nothing About Us Without Us”
People with Disabilities have strong voices and want to be represented at every table to share their own personal strengths and challenges, Nothing About Us Without Us! Together we must share the message that nothing should be done about or for us without our involvement! People with disabilities should be involved in all decisions, policies, statements, or images made about their lives. Help SANYS convey this powerful message in our annual logo contest. Make your voice count!
For example: How do you use your voice? Share the ways you’re speaking up! Share the message, that statements, pictures, and ideas about people with disabilities should not be conveyed about us without us in your artwork!!
- Self-Advocate Artists can make the logo by painting, drawing or creating original artwork (color submissions only, no digital artwork, or photography please). Please take a picture of your logo and send in a .jpg format. (If you need help sending your logo in please contact your local SANYS office)
-Please include your name, contact information, a few sentences about you and how you created the logo.
-Deadline for logo: No entries can be accepted after June 30, 2017.
- A prize of $250 will be awarded to the artist whose logo is chosen.
Artwork selected to be show cased at the statewide conference
Please send logos in a .jpg format in the highest resolution possible to by June 30th, 2017. **Please note family members of SANYS staff, board members and employees of
The Self-Advocacy Association of NYS are exempt from contest entry. Thank you and good luck!