“Team work is the best way to work together.”

–Allen Fontaine

Western (Finger Lakes) news & events

Regional Meeting (monthly)

To All Finger Lakes Self-Advocacy Group Leaders, Self-Advocates, Advisors and Allies,

Next SANYS Finger Lakes Regional Meeting will be September 4th.

AM meeting is a Hybrid:

The 10:30am – 12 pm meeting will be offered as a Hybrid option.  Come in person to the OPWDD, 620 Westfall Road, Rochester NY 14620, and let Security know you are there for the self-advocacy meeting in room 3/4, or  *join via the am zoom meeting link below.

Zoom Link  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81853352579

Or Call in: 1-929-205-6099   Meeting ID:818 5335 2579


PM meeting will be virtual only:

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89075534310

Or Call in: 1-929-205-6099   Meeting ID:890 7553 4310









Contact us


SANYS Finger Lakes
620 Westfall Road
Suite 652, Attn: Susan
Rochester, NY 14620


Office: 585-461-8776
Cell: 585-738-4687
Fax: 585-461-8733


Susan O’Hearn-Webb
Regional Coordinator
