Where we live

We want to live in homes of our choice. We want the services that we need to live in that home as independently as possible. For some of us that means a certified group home but for many it doesn’t. We ask that NYS continue to invest in independent and affordable housing options for people with developmental disabilities.  We also ask that tradition group home opportunities are available to those who need them in a timely manner.  We want to live in the least restrictive place that can meet our needs and we want to be valued members of our communities.

We ask NYS to invest at least as much in supporting new independent settings as it is in developing new certified group homes.

Where we work and how we spend our time

We want jobs and other meaningful ways to spend our days. While some of use may benefit from traditional day services, many of us need more creative opportunities to be engaged meaningfully in our community.

We ask that NYS fund a full array of options for meaningful daytime activities. We ask that employment always be considered as the first option and that other options provide new, creative and rewarding opportunities.


Self-direction is still not readily available to everyone who wants it in many parts of the state. Also, there is still a lot of confusion about practices among providers of brokerage and fiscal intermediary services.

We ask that NYS continue to invest in self-directed services and put resources where they are needed in areas that are lagging behind. We also ask that OPWDD work with providers of brokerage and FI services to ensure that practices are consistent, of high quality and truly leading to self-determination in our lives.

Our Staff

We cannot live the lives we want and deserve without the support of the staff that we need. In the last few years our staffing problems have gotten worse.

As members of the #bfair2directcare coalition, we ask that NYS support the budget request of the #bfair2directcare campaign which is seeking a living wage for our Direct Support Professionals.