Hello Finger Lakes Region - Please Share and Support! As we Stay Home and practice Social Distancing and Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) whenever out in public or inside when not able to practice social distancing and/or working with staff, we are making a choice to keep ourselves, family, friends and communities Safe from the Virus. These Safeguards are Essential to our Physical Wellbeing !! We also know and understand that for our Emotional Wellbeing "PEOPLE STILL NEED PEOPLE!!" Please see below (also attached) to catch you up on what you might have missed from this week and for the many opportunities, next week, for people to "Stay Emotionally Connected" via Zoom, and learn the latest from Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Webinars, join in the fun with Singing and Dancing ......please share, it will make a difference!! SANYS Weekly Event Update 4/27/20 Here’s what you might have missed The Right of the Week – Everyone has the opportunity to participate in religious activities of his/ her choice. Everyone has the right to express their religious beliefs. During this time while we are under quarantine, we can use our cell phone, internet, zoom and smartphone to get together virtually (provided my Marilyn Stata, OPWDD Region 1, Rights Advocacy) Wellness Quote of the Week (provided by Renee Christian) “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers. 5 Daily Habits 1- daily affirmations 2- gratitude list at the end of the day 3- nourish your mind 4- decluttering 5- create a joy list Here’s What’s Coming Up Monday April 27th 9:30-10am Coffee Clutch – Hosted by SANYS LI https://zoom.us/j/200922882 1:00 – 2:00pm Every Monday SARTAC National Self Advocacy Call (contact Karen Topper topper@gmsavt.org for link) Tuesday April 28th 11a-12p Communication is Key Chat with Center for Self-Advocacy https://zoom.us/j/632063927 Wednesday April 29nd 1:00 -3:00 pm Staying Connected Zoom Meeting “Staying Connected” Red Cross- Planning During CoVid19, and an overview of the rules for Comm Hab staff during CoVid19. https://zoom.us/j/209850037 4:00-5:30pm Advice from People who have a Disability on Dealing with COVID-19 Hosted By AUCD https://www.aucd.org/template/event.cfm?event_id=8646&id=379&parent=37 Thursday April 30th 11a-12p Communication is Key Chat with Center for Self Advocacy: Leadership Focus https://zoom.us/j/632063927 1:00-2:00 pm SARTAC National Self Advocacy Call (contact Karen Topper topper@gmsavt.org for link) 4:00-5:30 pm AUCD Advice from the Medical Community https://events-na3.adobeconnect.com/content/connect/c1/1005431686/en/events/event/shared/default_template/event_registration.html?connect-session=na3breezbvabyofstsisawmk&sco-id=2582829257&_charset_=utf-8 Friday May 1st 11am – 12pm – Songs of Self Advocacy with Steve Holmes, Chester Finn, and Dan Flanigan https://us02web.zoom.us/j/99084687889 1pm – 2pm Virtual Roundtable – Voting Concerns Amid COVID-19 Hosted by Disability Rights New York https://drny.webex.com/drny/j.php?MTID=m386961c9f5b260810b3cd6c7cd91fc13 Password: DJpdKBR92U2 Call in:1-415-655-0002 Access code: 475 175 910 1:00 -3:00 pm Staying Connecting Open Mic/ Support Group Zoom Meeting Host: SANYS Western Every Friday https://zoom.us/j/477357603 Saturday May 2nd 7:30pm DJ Jammin Joe Saturday Dance Party https://zoom.us/j/98074946684 A picture containing device Description automatically generated ***People included in this group email are either self-advocates and/or supporters of self-advocates and the advocacy movement. Please, take the time to share this important message with others that may be feeling secluded and concerned about what has been happening and know things are different in the home, work and community but might not understand why or just need to reach out to others or have others reach out to them. We all need to hear the message "You aren't alone - we can lift each other up and get through this together!!" ***Please reach out to folks who will need support to know about these and other opportunities to stay connected as well as support them with how to access these connections through phone or internet technology. Please stay safe to be well, Susan