NEAT is the Northeast East Advocates Together, which include New York and the New England States--Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. NEAT is also Region 8 of our national organization, Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE). NEAT received a national grant to help strengthen the self-advocacy movement in our states. The survey below will help us learn from you what you think are some of the things we should work on here in New York.
Representing SANYS for the NEAT grant committee are: Cathy Loquercio, Mike Kennedy, Mike Rogers and Joanne Siegel.
You can fill out the survey by yourself or as part of a group and you have a few ways to do that.
1. Fill out the survey on Survey Monkey at the web address below:
2. Print out the Survey from Survey Monkey and send to Clint at the email, fax or address below.
Email it to Clint at
Fax to Clint's attention at 518-382-1594
Mail it to Clint Perrin at:
Clint Perrin
500 Balltown Rd.,Bldg 12b,
Schenectady, NY 12304